Thursday, August 25, 2016

My Storybook Favorites

So I really liked quite a few of the storybooks I looked through, but there's just a few that really stood out and for different reasons. The first one I wanted to share is called "If Dragons Took Over the World "by Kaylee Johnson. The title is ultimately what pulled me to the piece because I'm a fan of reading various fantasy pieces. The story is definitely light-hearted fantasy about a world inhabited by dragons. The introduction really sets the stage up for all the information the reader is going to receive without giving away too much about any individual piece. Ultimately what stuck out to me the most about this was the style and presentation used. The formatting is very colorful and the use of complex ambient background images really adds some visual flair to the storybook. The visuals were really what stands out from this storybook. It makes excellent use of color and images.

Another storybook I wanted to mention because I found the topic material extremely interesting was Weather Gods. The formatting wasn't as impressive as "If Dragons took over the world", but the material in the actual stories is done very well. I really liked the historical aspect of the pieces and the writer does a pretty good job of presenting these places by combining strong descriptions with images. The idea for the story is extremely interesting. The narrator and protagonist is going back in time to talk with various weather gods. It's just such a specific and interesting idea that I found it unique enough to draw me in. The background use of clouds is a cute little addition to the weather theme as well.

This final storybook really grabbed me with its title: "The Four Elements: Birth and Death stories". The title seemed almost biblical and I was very interested in looking through it. The idea of the piece is excellent. The writer goes through and presents how various birth and death stories in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata relate to the four elements of earth, wind, fire, and water. The formatting is very ambient and definitely fits in with the sort of beginning and end, we come from dust, we go to dust, naturalistic theme going on. The really impressive thing here was the introduction of the piece about to be discussed at the top of each individual story piece. It definetly lets the reader get into the story before the writer is going to give their take on it. I appreciated the more formal nature of this piece honestly as well. It's somewhat more technical but it's done in an easy to read manner.

(Image used on the home page for The Four Elements Birth and Death Stories, Geninne's Art)

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