Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of Vishnu Part D

Today I continued watching the series, the seven secrets of Vishnu and I still very much enjoy it. It's not the easiest story to follow. It's pretty hard to follow along and I find myself constantly checking things on wikipedia just to be able to understand what's going on, but at some points, I just let it roll and try to follow along. It breaks the flow too much if I'm pausing every ten seconds to go looking something up and then I lose track of what's actually being described. It is still very informative - almost too informative though as it tends to just shower you with new information. For example we start off hearing about the goddesses of wealth and learning and I as the viewer am following along generally at this point, the stage has been set, we have these two characters and so now let's see where we go with this. We get some good information about how they look and the images give us some basic information and we even get some personality information about them but as soon as the descriptive elements pass, we get into another word salad of information where new characters show up and actions are happening and it's not really clear where we are in space. I still feel like there's a ton of material there but I'm struggling so much to absorb it right now.

Bibliography:  Seven secrets of Vishnu, link

File:Indian - Dwarf Form of Vishnu - Walters 25260.jpg
(Vamana statue, wikimedia commons)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, so I also worked through a video series with some pretty dense information chocked into it: Seven Secrets of Hindu Calendar Art by Devdutt Pattanaik. I recommend it, definitely, but like you've mentioned in these Reading Notes, there is a LOT of material! I actually found that if I watch it with a pencil and a piece of paper, I can jot down things I want to look up later after the video has finished. I was getting frustrated pausing every 10 seconds also, and so I just switched to the old paper/pen format for note taking, and then I transferred it all to my Reading Notes posts for the series. That helped me quite a bit, so I hope you might give it a try, and see if it can help you! I haven't seen these videos, but they seem interesting, and I might check them out after all!
