They really build up the battle in this set and then even
when we get there, it’s a long drawn out process. It is interesting that there
are some events that are often almost described in passing. They’re just
glossed over briefly and we don’t really get much information while others go
very in depth and really become almost novelistic in their form. It’s probably
just the result of having many different pieces all written by different authors.
Of all the forms though, I definitely prefer the novelistic style and will make
sure to emulate the form in my own writing this week. All that said, I really
want to try to do a longer battle scene in my story. It’d be fun to just write
one long drawn out battle or series of battles that make up a bigger conflict.
It is interesting how magic plays such an integral part of
the battles and yet it’s often not the main thing occurring. I mean to say that
the battle itself – all the violence, the gore, the fighting – is where the
real meat lies but then extremely powerful magic that really do change the tide
of things are not as significant. It reminds me of some stories that try to
downplay the role of magic because it becomes less of a deus ex machina and it
also makes it seem like the characters are just used to the magic and thus the
reader also starts to just accept it.
As always we see Rama as this almost indestructible and
insurmountable warrior which is very impressive but I honestly wonder what the
story would be like if he wasn’t so dang powerful. If he was more human, it’d definitely
make the story feel as if he were actually at risk of suffering great harm. It
could be fun to write a story where Rama is significantly weaker and has to use
his wits and wiles rather than just his incredible strength and power to
overcome his obstacles. It would also make the battle scenes much more
interesting if you’re looking at how Rama acts in them.
Bibliography: Public Domain Ramayana, Link

(Agni Pariksha, Wikimedia Commons)
I am so sad that in the end, Hanuman still died. The way you wrote your story made me really feel for him even though I was just reading about him on a screen. I felt like it was so unfair how even though Hanuman worked so hard at something, he still couldn’t succeed as he had hoped to. I wonder what first led Hanuman to be as brave as he is now. Usually it’s some important event that sparks our will to push ourselves further than what people would normally push themselves. It really did make me sad and a little bit mad that he had to die in the end. Although it was probably inevitable that he died, maybe you could include a little more about how he died. What if you went into more detail about his death? You could talk about how they mourned it or how life was different or even the same with him now gone. Overall, I think you did a great job with your storytelling. Keep up the good work!