So I have decided I actually want to put some more planning
into my next piece in the series that I’ve been writing. They’ve gotten very
repetitive and personally, I would say that has made them very predictable and quite
stale so I wanted to take this week to really plan out what I wanted to do with
this series now.
For those
that are new to this piece, the idea of this series is that Krishna is actually
a frail, sickly child who only survives due to blind luck rather than godly
powers. I’ve based this on the original narrative I found in the Epified
version of “Krishna”.
My original
idea was to finally kill Krishna off but that seemed too on the head and a very
satisfying ending for this work so thought maybe I should put him in a
situation where he actually suffers and doesn’t get magically saved. I’m ultimately
leaning to this idea but I’m still not certain how this piece needs to end. The
style has been fairly macabre for the most part and I don’t want to mess that
up with a suddenly extremely dark or upbeat piece. I’ll probably leave the
style untouched this time and focus mainly on changing up what actually happens
in this story.
Character development has been pretty weak so far and so I
think I want to really flesh out Krishna as a character for once. In most the
stories so far stuff happens to him instead of him doing something. I’m going
to try to change this up so he is actually the actor. I think having him actually
cause something to change in the world will actually make the whole series more
enjoyable and give more weight to his character as well. This is the biggest
change I want to make. He needs to be more substantive in the work.
Bibliography: epified Krishna, link

(Bodleian Library Indian paintings, wikimedia commons)
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